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Stranger: Nitwit! Blubber! Oddment! Tweak!
You: Shit
You: piss
You: fuck
Stranger: cunt?
You: cocksucker :)
Stranger: indeed
You: nice
Stranger: egg zachary
You: yumm
You: yumm
Stranger: chicken shit
You: tasty
Stranger: damn straight
Stranger: full of protein
You: and dont forget the vitamines
Stranger: what would we do without tem
You: probably just turn into jello
You: wobbaling
Stranger: mmm jello
Stranger: id probably eat myself
You: id probably eat you too
Stranger: wed feast on eachother
You: that would be a strange sight
You: good thing we wouldn't have any eyes
Stranger: touché
Stranger: the cannabalistic jello feast
Stranger: i can see it now
You: it would be a great movie
Stranger: it should be realeased as a multi million dollar book series first
Stranger: and warner brothers can buy movie rights
Stranger: ;)
You: and then a tv-series
Stranger: indeed
Stranger: with action figures
You: and game cards
Stranger: and an online role playing game
You: and its own brand of perfume
Stranger: and a cereal
You: and people would write fan fiction
Stranger: yes and post stories about it on websites such as MLIA
You: this could really be a hit
Stranger: i can smell success already
You: and then, when we tell the story of how it all started, we'd say; nitwit! thats how!
Stranger: Nitwit! Blubber! Oddment! Tweak!
You: yees, and we would all start to sing
Stranger: indeed, what would we sing?
You: how about something from Aqua?
Stranger: ohhh how exciting
Stranger: theres quite a large assortment to choose from
You: my personal favourite is barbie girl
Stranger: catchy
Stranger: could be a campaign slogan
Stranger: when we TAKE OVER THE WORLD...
Stranger: dont mind me
You: it's perfect
och så fortsatte det...
hahaha, jag förstår dig om du inte orkar läsa
Stranger: a perfect fit
Stranger: you wanna aid me in my quest to conquer the globe?
You: i would love to
och så fortsatte det...
hahaha, jag förstår dig om du inte orkar läsa

Jag provar detta nuu, men dom är helt segaa på att svara, hur hittade du denna sidan?:d